We are the Reading Basingstoke Community Rail Partnership – a group of local authorities, local people and the rail industry, working to promote our train and local bus services and doing what we can to improve our stations and services.

Here, you will be able to find information about trains calling at Reading, Reading West, Reading Green Park, Mortimer, Bramley and Basingstoke stations. Our aim is to encourage the use of the train services and stations as access gateways to this area. Also to enable the local railway to work with local tourist attractions and attract more visitors to the area using the trains.

If you would like to help us – if you live near one of these stations and can be a volunteer on a station adoption scheme, or if you just want to join in our activities please do get in touch.

Many thanks
Lucy Lomax
Reading Basingstoke Community Rail Partnership Officer

Our Stations

Click to download large map

here's our guide of things to see and do...

find out what the area has to offer and read about the history of this line